

Martin & Greil
1' 00"
Info brano:
"N.U.L.L. is a part of a series of work based on the theme of existence. For this track I used heartbeats. They are the natural surround sounds in our body. By recording the first heartbeats of my sister's daughter mixer with my own and heartbeats of
Track 23 del CD "ZERO, A Collection of Minute Soundworks" (T.T. 46' 00"), 2000 Audio Research Editio
Informazioni tecniche:
mp3 - It's recommended the use if random play button on the CD player
MARTIN e GREIL (Dornbirn, Austria) Martin e Greil is a composer, sound artist/musician. He has performed throughout Europe and worked with artists including Colin Fallows and Keith Rowe. In 1999, he was artistic director of the Austrian millennium project The Millennium, and in 2000, his solo CD Spheres was released. He also appears on Audio Research Editions collections. He is equally active in multi-media arts, designing various Internet web sites, videos and digital animations. He was a sound Research Assistant and Lecturer at Liverpool School of Art and Design, Liverpool John Moores University (1999-2001) and a Design Lecturer at LIPA. He co-founded the ASPARA Company in 2001, and his own record label M’para. Thomas J. Schroffenegger is a composer, musician, designer, commercial artist and teacher. Both previously played in the same punk band ten years ago. Today they work together again especially to create this piece for Trace.

Cfr. n. Arch. 182.a, 183.28, 184.33 ZERO is a limited edition collection of one-minute soundworks by international sound artists, experimental composers, noise makers and other audio creators. Contributors were invited to create an original recording of one-minute duration for the CD on the theme of ZERO – whether through their stripped-down, low-tech aesthetic or a focus on themes of absence, abstraction, distortion or a sense of thereshold between one state and another. The CD contains a broad variety of one-minute soundworks and presents the results of artists working thematically in chance juxtaposition. By bringing together this calibre and range of contributions, ZETRO aims to stimulate further interest in the artist work and practice, debate and dialogue surrounding sound art. The artists on ZERO range from well known world figures, to individuals and groups making their first wirks in this field. ZERO was commisioned by the Foundation for Art & Creative Technology (FACT) and was published with the support from Liverpool Art School.

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