Born in Ischia, Italy (1934-2011). In 1970 Vettor Pisani moved to Rome, where he exhibited at La Salita gallery entitled "Male, female and androgynous. Incest and cannibalism in Marcel Duchamp." Also in 1970, he was awarded with the Pino Pascali’s prize, Galleria Nazionale d’Arte Moderna. In the early seventies he started to work for art theatre as scenographer. In 1972 he was invited to Documenta 5 in Kassel and exhibited “Lo scorrevole”. In 1976 he exposed at the Venice Biennial the work Theatrum, a kind of research that influenced all his career. In addition to the Venice Biennale of 1976, Pisani participated at the Venice Biennial 1978, 1984, 1986, 1990 and 1993, La Quadriennale di Roma in 1973, 1986 and 1992 and others shows include: Avanguardia / Transavanguardia in Rome and Italian Art Now: an American Perspective at Guggenheim Museum in New York in 1982, Italian Art 1960-1982 at the Hayward Gallery in London in 1982, and Terrae Motus and Terrae Motus 2 at Villa Campolieto Herculaneum in 1986 and the Grand Palais in Paris in 1987, Beuys zu Ehren, Städtische Galerie in Lenbachhaus, Monaco, 1986; Mythos Italien, Bayerische Staatsgemaeldesammlungen of Monaco, 1988. In 1982 the Museum Folkwang dedicated an exhibition to the artist, followed by those held in 1990 in Valencia and the Galleria Civica d’Arte Contemporanea di Trento in 1992. In 1997 "Painting the Italian by Italian Collections" at the Castello di Rivoli and "Minimalia. Da Giacomo Balla a …" (1997 – 2000, Venezia, Palazzo Querini Dubois, Roma, Palazzo delle Esposizioni, New York, PS1) curated by Achille Bonito Oliva. 2005, "Il Bello e le bestie – Metamorfosi, artifices and hybrids from myth to sciencefiction”at the MART in Rovereto curated by Lea Vergine and Giorgio Verzotti. In 2007 "The Island interior. Insulation and Madness", curated by Achille Bonito Oliva.
Il dubbio
Vettor Pisani
extract 2'13"
Info brano:
Playlist Roma - The Road To Contemporary Art Curator RAM radioartemobile , Federica Bueti April 2009
La citazione è una componente costitutiva della pratica artistica di Vettor Pisani così come la sua vena provocatoria. In quest’occasione l’artista ha estratto da un proprio lavoro sonoro una lunga risata accompagnata da una seducente e misteriosa donna. Il Dubbio sembra voler rendere omaggio al grande amico ed artista Gino de Dominicis.