Cfr. nn. Arch. 183.9, 185.9 TRACE is a limited edition collection of two-minute pieces by international sound artists, experimental composers, noise makers and other audio creators. Each artist has produced an original recording of two-minute duration for the CD on the theme of TRACE. TRACE greated an opportunity for a selection of international sound artists to work thematically, as well as providing listeners with further insight into the artists work. By bringing together this calibre and range of contributions, TRACE aims to stimulate further interest in the practice, debate and dialogue surrounding sound art. The artista on TRACE range from well known world figures, to individuals and groups making their first wirks in this field. TRACE was published thanks to a research award from the Centre for Art International Research (CAIR).
Footprint in Snow
Mr. Campbell
Mr. Whiteread
2' 00"
Info brano:
Footprint in snow. It's a kind of page from an audio diary, an attempt to recall a common experience. The atmosphere at a certain time in a specific location. In this case, the still of the night 16.12.85 in Milwaukee, directly after the blizzard.
Track 12 del CD "TRACE, A Collection of Artists' Soundworks" (T.T. 140' 00"), 1999 Audio Research Ed
Informazioni tecniche:
John J. Campbell is an artist and musician whose work encompasses a number of disciplines including: site specific gallery installation, electronic soundworks and group performance. He has published work nationally and internationally under his own name and various group names including It’s Immaterial for over twenty-five years. He has produced gallery based installations such as: Baby 96 (1996) for the Live from the Vinyl Junkyard (1996-1997) group show at the Bluecoat Gallery Liverpool; and for Two Seconds Nine Months (1996) at the Bankside Gallery London. He has also contributed soundworks to the Audio Research Editions CDs: Hope (1998, ARE) as part of the ninth International Symposium on Electronic Art (ISEA98); Trace (1999, ARE) as part of the first Liverpool Biennial of Contemporary Art; and Zero (2000, ARE) as part of Video Positive 2000 festival. Mr. Campbell and mr. Whitehead, both residents in Liverpool, are long time collaborators. Over the years and under the monicker of, It's Immaterial, producing an eclectic body of audiovisual work. Notedly the CD's "Life's Hard" and "Song".