
News Clip Study 1

René Morgensen
Ascea (SA)
4' 35''
Different voices mixed up / sentences Track from the CD: KriKri 2002 compilation
Informazioni tecniche:
mp3 - To be played on stereo sound systems.
René Morgensen, Danish composer and musician, works across many musical areas, investigating a broad range of compositional possibilities in works for chamber ensembles and jazz ensembles, as well as creations in electroacoustic sound art, in an effort to go beyond idiomatic compartmentalism. In 2004 he completed his new Promenade Symfony for the Tivoli Promenade Orchestra, a 16 piece chamber orchestra in Copenhagen, Denmark for premiere in June of that year. His works for soloist with electronics including Five Seasons, and others for ensembles of various instrumentations with electroacoustics have been presented in various venues around New York City, and in Europe. Mogensen has completed several commissions for Danish Public Radio Program One (DR P1) in the past few years. He has recently created new works during residencies at DIEM, STEIM, Logos, and other music & technology research centers. Three recent scores for modern dance/theater have included Heaven or Cell and Terrror and Money and Air and Marble for productions in New York City with choreographer Renata Celichowska during 2002-2003. Mogensen’s electroacoustic works have been presented in radio programs and concerts in many places around the world. His works for chamber ensembles, as well as works for jazz groups, have been performed by various ensembles, including concerts by the Esbjerg Ensemble in Denmark, the Ensemble Rosario in Argentina, and by the NYU New Music Ensemble in New York City, as well as by René Mogensen’s Ensemble in New York. Recent releases include appearances on tenor saxophone on the Korean released cd Selfless Self by Woochang Lee, and the inclusion of Mogensen’s works News Clips Study 1 and Economics 102 on the Belgian KriKri 2002 cd. Mogensen was the composer in residence at the Center for Contemporary Music at Mills College, CA, in October of 1999, where his piece Spring Decomposition for wind trio and tape was premiered. During the summers 1996 and 1997, he was the composer and performer in residence in the NYU graduate music program in Pisa, Italy, where several of his works were premiered in concerts as part of the Strada Facendo performing arts festival. More information about concerts, recordings, and other news about Mogensen's work is listed on the web page: www.geocities.com/renemogensen Mogensen's work is recorded on various labels including: Capstone and Wassard in New York, AV-Art in Denmark, and Hwa-Eum Records and Notation Records in Korea. He is the recipient of awards for his work from various foundations including the Danish Institute for Electroacoustic Music, Meet the Composer USA, the John Anson Kittredge Fund, the Yvar Mikhashoff Trust for New Music, the Danish Music Council, the Eubie Blake Fund, and others. He holds an MA in music from New York University, and a BA from the University of Rochester, NY, USA.
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