

Valeria Tricoli
Info brano:
Valerio Tricoli  usa il suono per creare labirinti immaginari, stati mentali che superano il limite oggettuale per sbilanciarsi al di là, in una dimensione dominata quasi da un religioso mistero. La sua pratica è fatta da sonorità
Informazioni tecniche:
Playlist Roma The road to the Contemporary Art , 2009

Born in Palermo, Italy (1977). Lives and works in Berlin.

Valerio Tricoli is a composer of electro acoustic music, radical improviser on analogue electronic instrument. Member of the avant-rock group “3/4HadBeenEliminated; promoter of concerts and collaboration; sound engineer; Tricoli is considered one of the most influential member of the Italian nouvelle vague.
 His compositions are situated in a space of encounter between the musique concrète forms and more conceptual ones (eg radical interest in the relationship between reality, virtuality,  memory in the acusmatic event): music, recorded sound or sounds elaborated synthetically, the sound remain in between the actuality of the event and the domain of the memory – far from here but at the same time present, as in the experience of deja-vu.

He plays live electronic instruments mostly of which are analogue (reel recorders, tuner, speakers, microphones, …), but the structure of the device is mutating endless. Tricoli prefers a kind if approach that privileges a multiple relationships between the performer, the device and the space. That relation takes place during the event. He is founding member of the collective label “Bowindo! ( "arguably the best thing to come out of Italy since Luigi Nono" Dan Warburton, The Wire), and the group 3/4HadBeenEliminated (with Stefano Pilia and Claudio Rocchetti) .

His composition "Did they? Did I?" was described by Andrew Cullera as "one of the more substantial musique concrète works I’ve heard in quite a while".
In 2006 was published , after three years of intense work, his masterpiece "Metaprogramming From Within The Eye of The Storm."


Valerio Tricoli – Giuseppe Ielasi: "Untitled Tape" (Freedom From, USA 2000)
Valerio Tricoli: "Did They? Did I?" (Bowindo, Italia 2002)
3/4HadBeenEliminated : "s/t" (Bowindo, Italia 2003)
3/4HadBeenEliminated: "a year of the aural gauge operation" (Hapna, Svezia 2005)
3/4HadBeenEliminated: "DimethyAtonalCalcine" (a/p 2006)
Valerio Tricoli: "Metaprogramming From Within The Eye of The Storm" (Bowindo, Italia 2006)
Valerio Tricoli – John Duncan "The Garden" (Provincia di Torino / The Wire, UK, 2006)
3/4HadBeenEliminated: "Theology" (Soleilmoon, USA 2007)
3/4HadBeenEliminated: "The Religious Experience" (Soleilmoon, USA 2007)
PHONORAMA "PHONORAMA" (XING/The Wire Magazine, UK, 2008)

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