
Sentieri Contemporanei / Contemporary Path

Cover Sentieri Contemporanei



Setting of from Alghero is the first leg of the triennial project Sentieri Contemporanei (Contemporary Paths), promoted by Fondazione di Sardegna with the Voluntary Contemporary Art Association Zerynthia and Decamaster / Master Degree in Law and Economics for Culture and Art of the University of Sassari, in collaboration with the Fondazione META.

In-Giro / A-round
Sunday 30th April 2017, 6:00 PM
Old market in the historic centre – Alghero

No Man’s City / la Città di tutti
site-specific installation by Yona Friedman with Jean-Baptiste Decavèle
Wednesday 3rd May 2017, 5:00 PM
Piazza Pino Piras and medieval Porta Terra Tower – Alghero

Post-digital design
Self-construction for the regeneration of public spaces
Monday 8th May 2017, 5:00 PM
Department of Architecture / Ex Ospedale di Santa Chiara
Bastioni Marco Polo, 77 – Alghero

The proposed events discreetly and delicately offer an occasion to celebrate the Italian landscape.

The Project ties in with the topic of common goods, transferring the theme of collective and civic use to the field of contemporary culture.

Sentieri Contemporanei (Contemporary Paths) is based on the active participation of students from the University and from the Academy of Fine Arts of Sassari, Educational Institutes of Sassari and Alghero and volunteers from other Italian cities.


In-Giro / A-round is inspired by the Giro d’Italia, this year reaching its hundredth edition, which sets off precisely from Alghero. Bicycles speeding in unison along the rises and falls of the Italian roads, with an infinite variety of beauty that flies by yet remains impressed on the retina. Artistic wheels, circles and bicycles are on show in the old decommissioned market.

Participating artists: Maria Thereza Alves, Getulio Alviani, Marco Bagnoli, Massimo Bartolini, Gianfranco Baruchello, Elisabetta Benassi, Jimmie Durham, Jan Fabre, Marco Fedele di Catrano, Rainer Ganahl, Alberto Garutti, Laura Grisi, Fabrice Hyber, Felice Levini, H.H. Lim, Gülsün Karamustafa, Luigi Ontani, Luca Maria Patella, Cesare Pietroiusti, Vettor Pisani, Michelangelo Pistoletto, Daniele Puppi, Annie Ratti, Gert Robijns, Maurizio Savini, Remo Salvadori, Ettore Spalletti and Donatella Spaziani.

The exhibition curated by Zerynthia will be accompanied by an unpublished text by the poet Francesco Serrao.

No Man’s City / La Città di Tutti is a site-specific installation by Yona Friedman with Jean-Baptiste Decavèle composed of 400 wooden circles that in a combinatorial game form a mobile architecture that Friedman adapts each time to the urban landscape.

“We all know how the cities are. They can, eventually, become different.” Yona Friedman

In the adjacent medieval Porta Terra tower the public will be able to enjoy ample video and paper documentation put together in Italy over the last three years by Yona Friedman with Jean-Baptiste Decavèle.

Post-digital design. Self-construction for the regeneration of public spaces is the title of the open Lecture of the architect Paolo Cascone of COdesignLab.
Participants to the round table:
Domenico D’Orsogna (jurist), Antonello Marotta (architect), Vanni Maciocco (engineer and architect, planner).

Post-digital design is the first appointment of a cycle of workshops, round tables and seminars of Sentieri Contemporanei (Contemporary Paths) curated by the University of Sassari: Decamaster / Master Degree in Law and Economics for Culture and Art in collaboration with LEAP / International Laboratory on the Environmental Project, CubAct / University Incubator for Enterprise, NRD / Desertification Research Centre and Contamination Lab.

Free entry to all citizens.



In the hour between three and four in the morning. The hour of vampires thirsty for human souls and of angels taking the souls to heaven. Suddenly, I get a call from the commissaire Rodolfo Biancalani, president of the National Commissaires of the Italian Cycling Federation, asking me: “Are you asleep?” Without waiting for my reply, he tells me that this year the Giro d’Italia will set off from Sardinia. From Alghero.
For a moment I am perplexed, and already I picture the terrible cavalcade of riders across the rough Apennines and the Alps still snow-capped in May.
Contador, the Spaniard, who never gives in, winner of two Tours de France, the Colombian Nairo Quintana, the great climber rising in irresistible bursts leaving a void behind him, the steady Vincenzo Nibali, winner of two Giri d’Italia, the extravagant Sardinian Aru, the Belgian sprinters, standing out among which the famous world champion Van Avermat.
This year we’ll see some great stuff from the Appennino Lucano-Benevento stage to the passes of Consuma in Tuscany, to the terrible Dolomites with the Pordoi, the Falsarego and the Sella.
I say goodbye to Biancalani and go back to sleep and dream of ancient monsters, of glycaemia crises and of sudden bronchitis restricting the riders, often in repose these things come to mind to unsettle my life.
I awake, get dressed and go out. I go to a bar for a breakfast of coffee and a golden croissant. I don’t forget that I have a lunch date with a charming graceful woman that I’ve known for some months. I too feel like a rider, but a rider of life.
Anxieties, fears, panic attacks that come to unsettle my morning promenade.
It starts to drizzle, I don’t have an umbrella, I’m worried I’ll catch a cold so I run quickly as if in a time trial like Jacques Anquetil (5 tours won) and head home fast as the wind, the phone rings 2 or 3 times but no one answers.
These are the ghosts of my subconscious and of my psychic perturbations… I imagine the victory of Alberto Contador and phone Biancalini to tell him my idea, but the commissaire is at lunch at the beach in Sperlonga with friends.
A slight sadness begins to hover above my person, perhaps rather than a poet I would have liked to have been a cyclist climbing the Dolomites. But by now the die is cast.
There is nothing left but to wait for evening and night in the hope that the Kafkaesque nightmares and hallucinations do not disturb my sleep. It is raining ever more heavily at the Castle of Santa Severa and Santa Marinella in the distant horizon.
Before I fall asleep I am telephoned by two dear friends, Andrea Valeri, owner of a lovely food shop in the centre of Rome, and the extravagant painter Fosco Valentini, married to Michela, from the suggestive Lake Lugano in Switzerland.
In half-sleep, I receive more curious telephone calls asking for my prediction for the Giro d’Italia, they are from Stefano Silvestri, the art expert, Mimmo Mancini, my therapist, professor Giovanni Martinotti and professor Vincenzo Petitti, my friend, and my friend the doctor Mariano Cavalli, Mario Pieroni and Dora call me at the end of the shady night.

Francesco Serrao


Associazione per l’Arte Contemporanea O.D.V.

+39 064940893
Master in Diritto ed Economia per la Cultura e l’Arte
dell’Università degli studi di Sassari

+39 079228760
Fondazione di Sardegna


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