
LEZIONI DI SUONO #2 – 2 Marzo 2024 ore 10:00 Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma


Sound Lessons 2#

Solo Suono

Saturday, March 2
10 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
Aula Magna ”Lea Mattarella”
Academy of Fine Arts of Rome
Via di Ripetta, 222

The Academy of Fine Arts of Rome, in collaboration with Zerynthia, is organizing a day dedicated to sound. This edition focuses in particular on the reworking of sounds and the creative possibilities of sound and music in artistic research. The works of the four guest speakers will enrich the MPDS sound archive donated by Zerynthia to the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome.

Each talk will last  max. 40 minutes.

Introduction: Cecilia Casorati, director of the Academy of Fine Arts.

reel e video by Monkeys Video Lab 


Invernomuto (Milan) presenting  the project  Black Med. Simone Bertuzzi (Piacenza, 1983) and Simone Trabucchi (Piacenza 1982) live and work in Milan and are the authors of research projects articulated in time and space, from which derive cycles of interconnected works. On a common theoretical basis Invernomuto tends to reason in an open and rhizomatic way, developing different outputs that take the form of moving images, sounds, performances and editorial projects, in the context of a practice defined by dispersed and punctual use of different media. They observe  reality according to documentary principles and interests, but with the aim of  returning an imaginative and almost abstract representation of it, which opens up margins for critical reflection and questioning. Simone Bertuzzi will be present.

Lucia Farinati (London) presenting the project  Audio Arts (1973-2007): recording the voice as a critical and sonic practice. The spread of the portable recorder in the late 1960s allowed many artists to experiment with new modes of artistic production and distribution focused on language and speech. Alongside the proliferation of artists’ books, the spread of audio magazines at the turn of the 1960s and 1970s gave rise to a network of alternative spaces to the traditional print and exhibition space of  galleries and museums. Audio Arts was one of the most striking examples of this innovation. Farinati will present her research methodology applied to the Audio Arts studio, the result of his close collaboration with Furlong and the Tate archive in London.

Jonathan Frigeri (Geneva) presenting the project  Music for Radio. He is a radio artist, performer and producer of electronic music or, in a less conventional definition, he is a cave artist and psychic engineer working between art and technology. He tries to use technology with a lo-fi approach in order to reveal critical thinking through a poetic scent. Media are flayed and challenged in their communicative, social and philosophical functions. He pushes the boundaries and limits of a possible reality in order to see and feel behind the scenes and address the space in between. He is the founding director of the Institute for Research on Radio and Magic (IIRRM), dedicated to finding imaginary solutions to the boundary between technology and magic. He directs the creative radio residency called Radio Picnic, focused on experimental radio formats.

Luca Venitucci (Rome) presenting the project  action/listening/organization. A multi-instrumentalist, improviser and composer, he has been active in the fields of experimental and research music for more than 30 years. With piano, accordion and voice, he has developed a highly original expressive approach centered on the intensity of the performative moment and a varied sound research that also makes use of extended instrumental techniques, electronic devices and unconventional sound sources. He will show his approach to instantaneous sound and musical composition, briefly describing some of the topical elements of his practice (extemporary improvisation, radical listening, use of procedural methods) and highlighting the connections and similarities with historical and recent aspects of research of other artistic disciplines.  The presentation will be followed by an instrumental performance with accordion, voice and electro-acoustic devices.

Communication Office of the Academy of Fine Arts in Rome
Coordination: Prof. Guglielmo Gigliotti g.gigliotti@abaroma.it
Collaboration: Chiara Picco, Marianna Pontillo comunicazione@abaroma.it

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