
Günther Förg in Rome, modern city

24/09/2013 - 27/10/2013


 in Rome, modern city

 curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto

 24th September – 27th October 2013

Rome, Carlo Bilotti Museum in the Villa Borghese Orangery

Opening: Sunday 22nd September, 11.00 a.m.- 2.00 p.m.

For over four decades Günther Förg (Füssen, 1952), through the use of diverse expressive means, from painting to sculpture to photography to design, has carried out an original research on the themes of space, matter and history. A key figure in the German art scene since the Seventies, today he continues in coherence with his own creative trajectory, fuelled by diverse sources and suggestions. Many of these stem from the relationship he has for some time established with Italy and its culture. In particular, Rome, where he has often stayed and exhibited (for instance at the Pieroni Gallery in Via Panisperna in 1988, at the French Academy, Villa Medici in 1998 and at the Roman Aquarium in 2001), focusing his interest on its most modern aspects; the town planning of the 1900s such as the rationalist architecture of the Sapienza University and EUR up to the contemporary facets of everyday life, experienced first-hand during his stays in Rome. Accentuating this aspect (from which the title of the exhibition is derived), the current exhibitive project is proposed as a homage by the city to the artist, symbolically returning, as such, the sentiment of esteem that he has for the city. For this reason the project focuses its attention on a selection of works inspired by Rome or tied somehow to Rome, having been exhibited or created there.

This is the aim of the exhibition Günther Förg in Rome, modern city, curated by Pier Paolo Pancotto, held at the Carlo Bilotti Museum in the Villa Borghese Orangery in Rome from 24th September to 6th October 2013, promoted by the City of Rome, Department of Cultural Policies and Communication – Superintendence of Cultural Heritage in collaboration with Zerynthia, Association for Contemporary Art, Rome. Organisation: Zètema Cultural Project. Special thanks to: Michael Neff , Frankfurt

Press Office Zètema Progetto Cultura

Fabiana Magrì +39 06 82077300; +39 340 4206813; f.magri@zetema.it



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