NOW meetings

and NOW go home

Alghero immagine copy

meeting NOW – New Operation Wave / Manuale Distruzione

18-20 February 2016, Department of Architecture, Alghero (Italy)


The NOW workshop will be held from 18th to 20th February 2016 at the Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning at the University of Sassari’s Alghero campus as a part of the Urban Thinkers Campus “The city we need: open for art” centred on the relationship between art, city life and urban environment. The meeting is part of a series of 28 Urban Thinkers Campuses that will culminate with the international conference UN HABITAT III in October 2016.

Coordination of the meeting :

Zerynthia – Contemporary Art Association (Roma)

in collaboration with DECA Master – University of Sassari (Sassari)

Promoting network:

Cecilia Casorati / Academy of Fine Arts Rome – Dep. of Communication and Education (Rome)

Giovanni Iovane / Academy of Brera – Dep. of Communication and Education (Milan)

Annie Ratti / Foundation Antonio Ratti – CSAV / Artists Research Laboratory (Como)

Lorenzo Benedetti /Dirk Snauwaert / Caroline Dumalin / WIELS – Centre d’Art Contemporain (Bruxelles)

Domenico D’Orsogna / University of Sassari – DECA Master (Sassari)

Nico Dockx / Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Antwerp)

Giuliana Setari / Dena Foundation – Art Omi International Artists Residency (Omi – New York)

Academy of Fine Arts (L’Aquila)


meeting NOW – New Operation Wave

16-18 October 2015, Zerynthia, Rome (Italy)

On 16-18 October 2015 Zerynthia, comparable to a homepage, opened its spaces to the second NOW network meeting. NOW’s desire is to reinforce and amplify communication between young curators / artists / students through  the creation of a work group made up of participants of the various Academies and Cultural Institutions. Through the network, it’s possible to recreate an original public made up of the players themselves. Let us imagine the participants as viral elements capable of launching, through confrontation, new possibilities and positive contaminations.

During the meeting the group worked on spontaneous vocabulary, using a childhood game. Words proposed by all the participants give life to a work in progress that will be developed the coming months.

Participants: Sara Aloisi / Dario Agati / Nico Angiuli / Darcey Bennett / Santo Alessandro Badolato / Camilla Carè / Cecilia Casorati / Nico Dockx / Franca Ermini /  Alexis Gautier / Karolina Lusikova / Daniele Maffeis / Barbara Nardacchione / OUT44 / Francesca Pellicci / Laura Stancanelli / Elisabetta Tacconelli

Coordination of the meeting :

Zerynthia – Contemporary Art Association (Roma)

Promoting network:

Cecilia Casorati / Academy of Fine Arts Rome – Dep. of Communication and Education (Rome)

Giovanni Iovane / Academy of Brera – Dep. of Communication and Education (Milan)

Annie Ratti / Foundation Antonio Ratti – CSAV / Artists Research Laboratory (Como)

Lorenzo Benedetti /Dirk Snauwaert / Caroline Dumalin / WIELS – Centre d’Art Contemporain (Bruxelles)

Domenico D’Orsogna / University of Sassari – DECA Master (Sassari)

Nico Dockx / Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Antwerp)

Giuliana Setari / Dena Foundation – Art Omi International Artists Residency (Omi – New York)

Academy of Fine Arts (L’Aquila)

Promoting network:

Cecilia Casorati / Academy of Fine Arts Rome – Dep. of Communication and Education (Rome)

Giovanni Iovane / Academy of Brera – Dep. of Communication and Education (Milan)

Annie Ratti / Foundation Antonio Ratti – CSAV / Artists Research Laboratory (Como)

Lorenzo Benedetti /Dirk Snauwaert / Caroline Dumalin / WIELS – Centre d’Art Contemporain (Bruxelles)

Domenico D’Orsogna / University of Sassari – DECA Master (Sassari)

Nico Dockx / Royal Academy of Fine Arts (Antwerp)

Giuliana Setari / Dena Foundation – Art Omi International Artists Residency (Omi – New York)

Academy of Fine Arts (L’Aquila)

now ratti

meeting NOW – New Operation Wave

09 April 2015, Foundation Antonio Ratti, Como  (Italy)

NOW (New Operation Wave) is a new network founded at the end of 2014, a platform including different public and private institutions, italian and foreign ones, to connect and create together cultural and artistic initiatives and activities.
The network is coordinated by Zerynthia, Roma and includes as partners: Accademia Belle Arti di Roma; Accademia di Brera, Milano; Fondazione Antonio Ratti, Como; Wiels, Bruxelles and De Appel, Amsterdam.
The Main objective of NOW is related to the field of education, research and experimentation. Common operations include the organization of study days among the network’s partners and workshops with students of the curatorial courses and young artists.
The first meeting took place on April 9th and 10th at Fondazione Antonio Ratti in Como and was dedicated to the thematic of “Publics.”


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