Finnish artists in Rome

In September 2019 Finnish art peacefully and proactively invaded some of the capital’s most important galleries and foundations.

Listen to the podcasts:

Press conference at the Embassy of Finland in Rome.
Introduction by the Ambassador Pia Rantala-Engberg
Participants: Riika Vainio, Hilla Okkonen, Katja Tukiainen, Katriina Haikala, Otto Karvonen, Sasha Huber, Hannu Palosuo


Interview with SASHA HUBER by Karolina Liusikova about her series of works called “the Firsts” at MACRO ASILO Atelier in Rome, with a short audio recorded during Sasha’s work.


Interview with OTTO KARVONEN by Karolina Liusikova and Luca Vitiello at Fondazione Pastificio Cerere in Rome at the opening of his exhibition “The Bird Song”. Audio excerpt from the video-performance “The Bird Song”.


Interview with KATRIINA HAIKALA by Karolina Liusikova about her performance “Social Portrait” at Fondazione Volume!

Events in chronological order

Katja Tukiainen

17.09 – 22.09.2019 Atelier “Write to me”
Macro Asilo, via Nizza, 138, Rome.
23.09-23.10.2019 Solo exhibition Curated by Giancarlo Carpi and Riikka Vainio
Futurism & Co Art Gallery, via Mario de’ Fiori, 68, Rome

Katriina Haikala
23.09 – 27.09.2019 Performance and finissage “Social Portrait”
Curated by Riikka Vainio
Fondazione Volume! Via di S. Francesco di Sales, 86/88, Rome

Otto Karvonen
25.09 – 05.10.2019 Exhibition and Performance “The Bird Song”
Curated by Riikka Vainio
Fondazione Pastificio Cerere – Spazio Molini, via degli Ausoni, 7, Rome

Sasha Huber
24.09 – 29.09.2019 Atelier “The Firsts”
Video and performance curated by Riikka Vainio, in collaboration with the Swiss Institute
Macro Asilo, via Nizza, 138, Rome

Hannu Palosuo
29.09.2019 Open studio
curated by Riikka Vainio & Final Party in collaboration with Bassoradio (Finland)
Hannu Palosuo’s Studio, via Taranto, 130, Rome

Kaarina Kaikkonen
03.10 – 15.11.2019 Solo exhibition
Z20 – Sara Zanin Gallery, via della Vetrina, 21, Rome

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