Honoré d’O for PASS 2021

Honoré d’O for PASS 2021


instagram: Honore_do

Delinquent DLQ825 —- Solidarity project by Honoré d’O for PASS2021

Visitors are invited to drive the artist’s car during the exhibition. A visitor can pick up the car key at the PASS2021 reception, Huiseplein, opposite the church in Huise.
He/she can travel unlimited kilometers. 1 guest/passenger is allowed.
Drive calmly, drive safely. Refuel, if necessary or out of sportsmanship. Use the yellow logbook, write down the date and mileage, leave your email address, take notes.
We live in a amazing world that permanently and abundantly expresses its miraculous nature.
The participants are asked to share as many photos and videos of their trip as possible.

On 11/08/2021 my Renault Kangoo DLQ825 had driven 495,776 km. It is now aiming for 500,000 km!!!!!, with the help of the public!!!!!
Astonishing observation: the circumference of the earth is 40000 km, if DLQ825 reaches the glorious goal of  500,000 km, it will have circled the earth 12.5 times.
12.5 x around the world!!!!!!!!!!!!. Imagine.

Delinquent DLQ825 is a solidarity project in the landcape of a global responsability.

Gent, 11/08/2021, Honoré δ’O


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